Digital Tutors - Quick Start to ZBrush (Volume 4, Justin Marshall)


In Volume 4 of the Quick Start to ZBrush, we'll build on the concepts covered in the previous volumes. We'll begin by learning to use Insert Mesh brushes to quickly add geometry. We'll also cover the powerful Dynamesh feature and how it can aid in quick mesh design. We'll cover curve-based brushes and talk about some very specialized insert brushes, the Insert Multi-mesh and Insert Tri-part brushes. We'll also cover some of the topology tools in ZBrush as well as using Spotlights to project textures onto our geometry. At the conclusion of this volume, we'll have a finished base along with a sculpted and painted character. These courses are designed to be taken in sequence so we really encourage you to start with Volumes 1 through 3 before continuing with this section.


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