Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Modeling in 3ds Max Volume 1

In this initial volume, we'll cover the basics of modeling in 3ds Max. We'll discuss the box modeling technique and begin getting acquainted with the most commonly used tools for modeling in 3ds Max. Software required: 3ds Max 2014.

Welcome to the Quick Start to Modeling in 3ds Max, a series of specially constructed courses meant to be followed in sequence and which include valuable exercises to reinforce learned concepts. We'll go through 3ds Max Modeling in a very methodical, step-by-step way, making sure to cover the tools and techniques that are most important in enabling you to get up and running quickly. Each volume of a Quick Start will build upon the previous volume, enabling us to progressively build up a complex project into a finished state. In this initial volume, we'll cover the basics of modeling in 3ds Max. We'll discuss the box modeling technique and begin getting acquainted with the most commonly used tools for modeling in 3ds Max. We'll learn the why of every modeling decision we make and also learn about which tools would be more appropriate to use in certain situations. In the end, we'll end up with a basic dumpster prop that we will add to our final narrative scene at the end of this Quick Start course. While following along with these lessons and building a project together will provide you with valuable knowledge, the real power comes from being able to take the techniques you've learned and apply them in a different way to your own work. With this in mind, you'll be presented with an assignment immediately following each volume. These assignments will challenge you to take the skills that you've learned in a particular volume and apply them to a different asset. Software required: 3ds Max 2014.


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